I watched the pre-game skate. Jimmy didn't seem focused at all. Most off the shots he tried to stop but missed. Hell, I could have stopped more shots than him. I went into the locker room where I heard everyone whistling. They noticed my new hair. I said a small "Thanks." Jimmy looked up at me and slightly smiled. I turned around so he could see what jersey I had on and gave him a small smile. I walked over to him but instead of sitting on his lap like I usually do I sat on the stool next to him. "You still wearing the jersey." He said to me in a soft voice.
"It doesn't mean a thing" I snapped back
"Listen, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have ever pushed you."
"Sorry doesn't fix anything Jimmy. You take out all of your frustrations out on me. I'm so sick of it!"
He hung his head. "Are you saying were over, because I don't want us to be."
"That's not what I said. But I do think we should take a break. I see the way you have been playing and everything that goes on between us affects your playing. I know you can play better than that."
The buzzer rang and it was time for the game. Jimmy got up and tried to give me a kiss. I turned me head slightly so he got my cheek. "Good luck." I told him still acting kind of bitchy.
He smiled and said "Thanks"
I ran my fingers through his dark brown hair and said "It's ok"
Jimmy must have listened to what I said cause he played amazing. We still lost 1-0 but Jimmy was the star of the game.
That weekend Meech gave me a call. "Hey! How are you?" he asked. "Great!" I told him.
"I was wondering, If you wanted to go out to eat tonight with me?"
It was a little weird for me. I had never ever thought of Derek like that. "Sure!"
"Okay tomorrow at six."
"See you then!"
The next day I took a glance at my phone. There was still the background of Jimmy and I. I changed it to one of Aaron, Derek and I on the night we were together. I laughed as I looked at it. I missed hanging out with those guys. We had alot of fun. Ever since Aaron started dating Casey, He and Derek had not been getting along, and Aaron wasn't allowed to get out or do anything with us anymore. Right now, what I needed was those guys. They helped me get through everything. And I had always been able to talk to Aaron. I decided to call him. He didn't answer so I left a message.
"Hey Aaron, Its Madi. I would love to talk to you, seeing we never hang out anymore! Give me a call."
That night before I was getting ready to go with Aaron, my phone vibrated, and I picked it up o my nightstand.
"When can we talk?" Jimmy asked me.
"Why are you calling me?"
"I'm sorry.... its just I needed to hear your voice."
"Jimmy... stop."
I heard a knock on the door so I told Jimmy I had to go.
He said "I love you." But I didn't say anything back.
OOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!! It's getting juicy! I can't wait to see what happens next! PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!
Thanks alot!
u gotta write more! :)
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