They next month came around and we were on a six game losing streak. One of the longest in the teams history. Jimmy hadn't been getting any playing time. The playoffs were just around the corner too. I was almost trying to avoid going to the games. I was so sick of some of the fans. By, now Jimmy and I had been dating for almost 8 months. Mostly everyone knew about it. By the gossip,. Oh, and the videos on youtube of us together that I didn't even know anyone had taken of us. It was frustrating. With Morgan pregnant I had no one to go to the games with. One night a group of girls sat behind me at the Joe. They saw that I had Jimmy's home jersey on. One of the asked "Hey, are you Madison Maltby?" In a friendly voice.
I turned around a replied "Yeah..."
"You're dating Jimmy Howard right?"
"Uhh yeah."
The laughed and said "He deserves way better than you."
"There's no need to be a bitches because you are jealous." I told them.
Their jaws dropped as one of them picked up there beer and threw it on me. They thought it was hilarious. But trust me, this was not the first time I had beer thrown on me.
The buzzer sounded the end of the second period.
I came into the locker room and the guys were excited. They were beating the hawks 4-1.
I walked past Downey who said "Why do you reek of beer?!"I turned to face him so he could see the front of my jersey. It was soaked. He snickered as I walked over to Jimmy.
"Whoa! What happened to you?" He asked giving me the up and down.
"Beer." I told him shaking my head.
I tossed me another jersey his and said "Change." We won that game. By the same score.
Around May Morgan and Val's wedding came along. Morgan was having us walk down the isle in pairs. Jimmy met me at the bottom of the stairs. He had on a black suit with a shiny cream colored tie. "Wow! You look amazing." he told me.
"Thanks." I said while fixing his tie. "You don't look half bad yourself. "
Before we walked down the isle he turned my face toward his and gave me a long kiss. It was like our lips we super glued together. I kept trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me. Finally I was able to pull away. I wiped the lipstick off his bottom lip as the music started playing. Our hands intertwined as we took small steps down the isle. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the second row. Tears in their eyes. And, I wasn't even the one getting married.
I turned around a replied "Yeah..."
"You're dating Jimmy Howard right?"
"Uhh yeah."
The laughed and said "He deserves way better than you."
"There's no need to be a bitches because you are jealous." I told them.
Their jaws dropped as one of them picked up there beer and threw it on me. They thought it was hilarious. But trust me, this was not the first time I had beer thrown on me.
The buzzer sounded the end of the second period.
I came into the locker room and the guys were excited. They were beating the hawks 4-1.
I walked past Downey who said "Why do you reek of beer?!"I turned to face him so he could see the front of my jersey. It was soaked. He snickered as I walked over to Jimmy.
"Whoa! What happened to you?" He asked giving me the up and down.
"Beer." I told him shaking my head.
I tossed me another jersey his and said "Change." We won that game. By the same score.
Around May Morgan and Val's wedding came along. Morgan was having us walk down the isle in pairs. Jimmy met me at the bottom of the stairs. He had on a black suit with a shiny cream colored tie. "Wow! You look amazing." he told me.
"Thanks." I said while fixing his tie. "You don't look half bad yourself. "
Before we walked down the isle he turned my face toward his and gave me a long kiss. It was like our lips we super glued together. I kept trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me. Finally I was able to pull away. I wiped the lipstick off his bottom lip as the music started playing. Our hands intertwined as we took small steps down the isle. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the second row. Tears in their eyes. And, I wasn't even the one getting married.
LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U should really make more i love em'!! Who do u think the hottest Pen is? I think it's sidney crosby!! lol
Yeah it is deffinitly crosby! Hes so hot! When i wirte my next story it will be prolly be about him.
haha wonderful! Red Wings rock but Crosby is SO HOT! SO I like both teams! I would really like to invite ya to my blog... I had to block it cuz I was getting nasty comments. UGH! Do you have an email?
sure. its madgie16@yahoo.com
Again really good. Could someone please read & comment on my story it would be much apperciated.
sid is da hottest!! how do u get people to read and comment your story?? no one reads mine! :(
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