Monday, June 30, 2008
Forever and Ever;;21

Friday, June 27, 2008
Forever and Ever;;20

That weekend Meech gave me a call. "Hey! How are you?" he asked. "Great!" I told him.
"I was wondering, If you wanted to go out to eat tonight with me?"
It was a little weird for me. I had never ever thought of Derek like that. "Sure!"
"Okay tomorrow at six."
"See you then!"
The next day I took a glance at my phone. There was still the background of Jimmy and I. I changed it to one of Aaron, Derek and I on the night we were together. I laughed as I looked at it. I missed hanging out with those guys. We had alot of fun. Ever since Aaron started dating Casey, He and Derek had not been getting along, and Aaron wasn't allowed to get out or do anything with us anymore. Right now, what I needed was those guys. They helped me get through everything. And I had always been able to talk to Aaron. I decided to call him. He didn't answer so I left a message.
"Hey Aaron, Its Madi. I would love to talk to you, seeing we never hang out anymore! Give me a call."
That night before I was getting ready to go with Aaron, my phone vibrated, and I picked it up o my nightstand.
"When can we talk?" Jimmy asked me.
"Why are you calling me?"
"I'm sorry.... its just I needed to hear your voice."
"Jimmy... stop."
I heard a knock on the door so I told Jimmy I had to go.
He said "I love you." But I didn't say anything back.
Forever and Ever;;19

After the ceremony was over Jimmy pulled me aside. He reached into his left pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Jimmy... what are you doing?"
He took the small ring out of the box and slid it on my finger. "Its a promise ring." I looked down at my left hand. It was beautiful. It was a small diamond with two emeralds on each side.
"Wow! It's beautiful. I love it" I told him.
He smiled and gave me a small kiss. "I love you" "I love you too Jimmy."
The rest of the night was fun. Morgan looked amazing and seemed really happy. Her baby was due in a few weeks.
That night most of the guys went out for drinks, including Jimmy. I stayed back and helped clean up.
That night Jimmy came back to the apartment. I sat up from the couch and ran over to give him a hug. He just pushed past me. I could smell it on his breath. He reeked of alcohol.
"Have you been drinking?" I asked him in a stern voice.
"Shut up will you!"
He just barely pushed me but it was enough. I tripped over the coffee table that was behind me. Hitting my side on the corner off it too. He didn't know his strength. He was so strong.
He was knelling beside me. "Babe are you okay? I didn't mean to push you."
I sat up quickly. "What the hell Jimmy?"
He didn't say anything.
"You know" I said while taking off the ring. "Keep it. This is ridiculous."
I packed up a few things and went to go stay with my parents. It was late but I still had a key. I walked into my old bedroom, and looked around it was the same way I had left it a few years back. I looked at my blackberry. The background was of me and Jimmy and Star 49. I shook my head and fell asleep.
The next day I don't know what got into me. I decided to get my hair cut and colored. I went from my blond hair that was down past my shoulders to a dark brown that came up to my shoulder with long bangs. I looked way different. But, with so many other things changing in my life it was time for a change in looks too.
That day was a home game against the Jackets. I debated weather to put on one of Jimmy's jersey's of one of my dads. I put on Jimmy's.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Forever and Ever;;18

I turned around a replied "Yeah..."
"You're dating Jimmy Howard right?"
"Uhh yeah."
The laughed and said "He deserves way better than you."
"There's no need to be a bitches because you are jealous." I told them.
Their jaws dropped as one of them picked up there beer and threw it on me. They thought it was hilarious. But trust me, this was not the first time I had beer thrown on me.
The buzzer sounded the end of the second period.
I came into the locker room and the guys were excited. They were beating the hawks 4-1.
I walked past Downey who said "Why do you reek of beer?!"I turned to face him so he could see the front of my jersey. It was soaked. He snickered as I walked over to Jimmy.
"Whoa! What happened to you?" He asked giving me the up and down.
"Beer." I told him shaking my head.
I tossed me another jersey his and said "Change." We won that game. By the same score.
Around May Morgan and Val's wedding came along. Morgan was having us walk down the isle in pairs. Jimmy met me at the bottom of the stairs. He had on a black suit with a shiny cream colored tie. "Wow! You look amazing." he told me.
"Thanks." I said while fixing his tie. "You don't look half bad yourself. "
Before we walked down the isle he turned my face toward his and gave me a long kiss. It was like our lips we super glued together. I kept trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me. Finally I was able to pull away. I wiped the lipstick off his bottom lip as the music started playing. Our hands intertwined as we took small steps down the isle. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the second row. Tears in their eyes. And, I wasn't even the one getting married.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Forever and Ever;;17

When I walked in I knew exactly why he was trying to keep me out. I saw Casey sitting on Jimmy's lap while running her hand through his hair. My jaw dropped as I stood there for a second. Jimmy saw me and said "No baby, it's not what you think." He tried to grab my arm but I pulled away, and walked out. I saw Derek standing out in the hallway. He was looking down at his white tennis shoes. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's not your fault." I told him.
I didn't know if I should cry or just be pissed.
[Jimmy's POV]
After the game was over Casey came over to me being really friendly. She acted like a totally different person. She then got a little to friendly. I pushed her off several times before Madi walked in. I told Meech to keep her out so because I knew Madi hated her, and I didn't want her to see me talking to Casey. I have no interest in her at all. She was dating one of my best friends.
The next day I went over to Jimmy's place with his home jersey. I was going to knock on the door but quickly brought my hand down and sat the jersey down on his door step, took a deep breath, and walked back out into the parking lot.
I heard the door slam behind me, and turned around. I saw Jimmy standing there with his head down looking at his shoes, and the jersey in his left hand.
With is head still down he said to me "Is this how you want it to end?"
I walked over to him and put me hand under his chin and made him look at me. "Of coarse not. But you have to tell me why, why would you do something like that to me?" My voice was breaking.
"She came onto me. I swear." He continued to tell me the rest of the story. I took a deep breath and said "Okay, no more fighting."
That weekend I went over to Morgans to help her with wedding plans. There theme was black and white. Morgan would be wearing this dress. http://photobucket.com/image/cute%20wedding%20dresses/st3ll4k/CUTE%20Dresses/bb7d.jpg?o=5 And the brides mates were wearing. http://photobucket.com/image/dresss/xoHXC_BABYxo/dresss.jpg?o=20
We also made invitations and sent them. The wedding was three weeks away. I was super excited. I got even more excited when Morgan told me that Jimmy was going to be Val's best man. That made the day seem even better.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Forever and Ever;;16

We beat the Rangers and the Sabers. Jimmy didn't play for either of those games. When he came back into the hotel room he was in a sour mood. I tried to talk to him. he just kept pushing me away. I heard a knock on the hotel door. I opened it. It was Derek. "Were going for drinks. You coming?"
"Sure. But, Jimmy's probably not. But that's okay. You and I will have some fun Derek." I draped my hands around his neck as he put his hands on my hips. Jimmy looked over at me with a look I had never seen before. He was hurt by what I said. I backed away from Meech and said "Jimmy get your ass up and take a joke." I heard Derek mutter a "Damn"
When we got to the club I saw Casey with Aaron. It was gross to watch her and him. It was like he was trying to make me jealous. There was no way I still had feelings for him anymore. I hadn't really talked to Jimmy about why he was mad I was saving that for later. He grabbed my hand. It was really clammy. He leaned in for a kiss but I turned my head quickly. "Nope, you didn't even want to come."
"I'm sorry babe." He reached in for another kiss. This time I gave in. But this wasn't just an ordinary kiss. It sent a whole rush through my body. I put my hand on his cheek. And backed away for just one second to get take a breath. "Want to leave?" He asked. "Do you?" "Well yeah."
When we got back to the hotel Jimmy slipped the "Do Not Disturb" sign over the door handle. I had given into Jimmy once again. How could I resist those eyes? They made me melt.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Forever and Ever;;15

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Forever and Ever;;14

"I lied. we were only playing two teams in Canada."
He carried me into his bedroom, where I helped him take of his shirt.
He whispered in my ear "Are you ready for this?"
"Of coarse I am Jimmy!"
And from there.... everything just went naturally.
The next morning I rolled over and put my hand on Jimmy's chest. "I love you" he said. "I love you to." I replied with a smile. I got up and took a shower. I didn't exactly want to tell Jimmy that I was going with Morgan, It would get around and Val would find out. I wanted Morgan to tell him. That was if she really was pregnant. So, I just told him we were going shopping.
When Morgan and I got to the office, I went into the room with her. I tall dark haired man walked into the room and sat down on a circular chair. Morgan took a deep breath.
"Congratulation's Morgan! You are three weeks pregnant!"
Morgan put her hand over her face and said "Thanks."
"Ohh Morgan."
"I have to tell Valtteri."
"I know. Everything will be okay."
"No, I don't think it will."
I offered to stay with her, but she said she needed to be alone. I understood and went home. It got me thinking about me and Jimmy. There was no way I wanted a baby.
I had almost forgotten, tomorrow was my birthday. I went over to visit my parents. I was never close with my mom. I was more of a daddy's girl. They greeted me with my presents. Clothes, shoes, new pads, and a stick signed by Sidney Crosby. My visit was short, I couldn't stand to hear my mom go on about new make-up and fashion styles, and how long and ratty my hair was getting. It bugged me. That's why I never came home. I said my good byes and drove back to Jimmy's.
When I got there Jimmy was watching TV. "I thought you were going shopping?" He asked, I had no bags in my hands. "Oh, I didn't find anything." "I see.." I wondered why he was dressed up. Before I could ask why, the buzzer rang. "Happy Birthday!" Meech said. Downey walked in behind him. "I got the booze!" he yelled. I laughed and gave him a hug. Aaron gave Jimmy a smirk and said "Oh yeah, she likes me now!" After Downey came in he was followed my Val, Morgan, Ozzie, Helm, Hargitan, Franzen, Pavel, Malts, Homer, Cleary, and Z. The apartment was like the team locker room. Aaron had already make up cocktails and threw me a beer while saying, "It's your night babe, have fun!"
I pulled Morgan aside, and she seemed really happy. "Did you tell Val?" I asked her. "Yeah, he was really happy, and he wants me to have it. We are planning a wedding too, your going to be my maid of honer. "I was thrilled for her and me. We walked back out into the living room. Where Derek had out his x-box and all the guys were playing except Pavel, Homer, Ozzie, and Franzen. That's when I decided to open my presents from the boys.
Forever and Ever;;13
We sat down at Ruby Tuesdays. We ordered drinks before I asked her "Whats up? Your worrying me." She looked down at her menu and up at me. "Morgan tell me, now." "I think I might be pregnant." "Morgan!" I gasped." I gripped her hand while sitting money down on the table. I drove to the nearest drugstore. We walked in and bought every test they had. "I'm sure everything will be fine, a gave her a hug before adding "Thanks for telling me." We drove back to her place.
Half of the tests were negative and half were positive. "These shitty things!" I yelled while throwing them away. Morgan seemed pretty calm. Morgan got on the phone and called her doctor, and made an appointment for the next day.
We both sat on the couch me trying to comfort my best friend. She was in tears. She managed to get out "I'm not ready to be a mom."
"Have you told Val?"
"Well I'm sure everything will be fine. Don't worry."
We turned on the Wings game and watched that. Jimmy was still in net. But, we lost 4-3 in OT.
I told Morgan and Jimmy and I. How I was living with him. She didn't seem to say much. I knew she was upset. "I will go to the appointment with you tomorrow."
She looked at me and smiled. "Thanks."
I woke up early to get to Morgan's. "Lets get this over with." She said to me. could tell she had been crying.
As we got to the office it was a quick in and out. They would call her with the results in a few days. Since that was over and done with we went to the mall. I still needed to get Jimmy something for his birthday in a few weeks. Our birthdays were really close. His was a few days after he got home. And his was a week after that.
We walked into a sports store where I found a pair of goalie pads, worn by Patrick Roy. They were perfect. '
The next day, was a boring one. I spent in cleaning up the old apartment and returning my keys. I got a call from Downey asking me if Morgan and I wanted to go out for beers later that night. It sounded fun. So we agreed.
I took a shower and went over to Morgan's. I had on a short dress on with ray leggings, and silver flats. With just some light make-up. Downey, Meech, and Erickson pulled up in the driveway and we walked out. Aaron had a small car so there wasn't room for all of us.
Morgan took the last open seat.
I looked over to Derek who patted his lap. "Looks like you're sitting with me!" He said with a big grin.
I rolled my eyes and sat on him. He was lucky it was a short drive. After a few drinks Arron stood on a table and started dancing to "Sexy boy" I have to admit it was hilarious. So I threw five dollars up on the table. He picked it up and said "Yeah....!!"
When we were done Aaron dropped me off. It took me a while to find my keys put when I did I unlocked the door. It was really dark,but I noticed someone standing in the hallway. I freaked. I turned on the lights only to be surprised.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Forever and Ever;;12
Let's just say I had a little to much to drink. Six beers gets me that way. I waited a while before we left. Oh and Aaron and Derek lets just say that they were really drunk. So drunk they were hitting on older women. So drunk, that they thought the baseball game on was hockey. And, so drunk they were holding hands as we walked out to the car.
I drove them home, and told them they could stay for the night. Before I could, they had both passed out on the floor.
It was pretty late. But, my phone vibrated. I picked it up and it was Jimmy. "Jimmy!" I screamed. "Hey babe, how are you?"
"I'm okay, but I miss you like crazy!"
"I miss you alot too, what are you doing.?"
"Interesting story, Uhh I went out to eat with Aaron and Derek, they got pretty drunk, they're passed out on your floor as we speak."
"Haha, yeah they love to have a good time."
"Yeah, Well I need get ready to watch your game."
"Okay, I love you, talk to you soon."
"I love you to Mr.Howard, I will be watching the game in a few, good luck."
They game was on really late here, but I always stayed up to watch them, and since Ozzie had the flu, Jimmy was in.
They first period didn't go so well. There were alot of bad calls and were down 2-1. The second period came along and we tied it up 2-2 on a goal my Filppula. The score stayed the same until Zetterberg scored to make it 2-3, and we won.
When the game was over Jimmy was a star of the game. They were interviewing him, "So how do you want this trip to go?" Mickey asked him. Jimmy looked straight at the camera and said "I want us to play hard, win these games, and get home, cause I am really missing someone." It brought tears to my eyes. I turned off the TV and went into Jimmy's bedroom. I laid down on the bed, and the smell of the sheets reminded me off him. =]
The next morning I woke up to find Meech rolled over by Downey with his arm wrapped around him. It was hilarious, so I got out my camera and took pictures.
Then I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.
Derek came up from behind me and said "It smells like bacon!"
"Wow, you must still be drunk, it pancakes."
"Yeah go get Aaron up will you?"
"Okay, do you have any whipped cream?"
I knew exactly what he was going to do, so I went to the fridge and got out a can of it.
I watched him but whipped cream all over Aaron's face and in his mouth. He still didn't wake up. Derek stepped on his stomach and Aaron sat up quick. "What the hell?" He said while wiping the cream of his face.
"It was all Madi, I swear. Derek told him.
I just blew it off and told them to come eat. "Hey Aaron want some whipped cream with those pancakes?" I said from across the room. He laughed and said "Nah I'm good.
I told them about last night and this morning. They thought it was pretty funny. We said our goodbyes and they left. I had to get ready to go with Morgan.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Forever and Ever;;11
I went down to a shop on the corner to get some boxes. I was really excited to move in with Jimmy. Ughh wait no. I can't think about him right now. I would make me too sad. I got the boxes and went home to pack up my some of my things. When I got home I got on my laptop. Morgan was on MSN, so I talked to her. We were going to get together Friday and go shopping. Jimmy's birthday was in a few weeks so I needed to get him something.
The next morning I woke up to the bright light shining through my bedroom window. I starting packing up things in my kitchen. Bowls, plates, silverware, other odds and ends. Then I moved to my bedroom. Putting all of my clothes in boxes. By 12:30 I had mostly everything packed away. I had almost forgot about going to lunch with Aaron and Derek. I quick hopped in the shower. I got out, straighted my hair. I put on a pair of tight Abercrombie and Fitch jeans and a cute top, with a pair of black flip flops. I did my make up. Even though Jimmy liked me better without it. When I was done, I got into my Saturn and drove to Jimmy's with a few boxes in the back .
When I got to Jimmy's I had just enough time to take all the boxes, before I looked outside and I saw Aaron and Derek pull up. I walked out. I gave them both hugs (like I always did). I noticed Aaron hands were getting a little low, close to my back side. Aaron had always been like that, loved the ladies, and loves to have fun. "Aaron Downey!" I yelled at him, kidding. "What are you doing?" He just laughed it off and said "Let's get going," It should be a intresting night.
Forever and Ever;;10
I woke up to Jimmy's alarm going off. Its was 10:30. I didn't get up right then. I fell back asleep for a half hour. I knew Jimmy was trying not to wake me, but he did. I sat up pulling the bed sheets with me. "Opps." Jimmy came over to help me. "Thank y-" He cut me off again. And we backed into his bedroom wall. Him kissing me. We got pretty into it. Before I pulled away and pointed to the clock. "I think we should go." "Yeah okay." He sounded disappointed
On the ride to the airport Jimmy brought up a subject I had never even thought about before. "Hey babe we spend alot of time together at my place. If you want you could move in with me?" My face lite up. "I'd love to!" I said with a smile. "Okay when I get back, we will start moving things." "Okay will get some boxes and I will start packing my stuff up while you are gone."
When we got to the airport all the guys were standing around waiting to go. Jimmy sat down his stuff and came towards me. He gave me his keys. "Car keys, and my apartment keys." "Okay" I said with a sad look on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at his bright blue eyes. "I'm going to miss you alot." "I'm going to miss you more." He said. He came in for a kiss. And then, we started making out. In front of everyone. Including my dad. I pulled away with a really big smile on my face, and my arms still wrapped around his neck. We both looked around, everyone was staring. That was until Ozzie broke the silence. "Okay boys, let's get on the plane." I mouthed thank you to him before he said "Put it on my tab." Jimmy and I just stood there until Ozzie said "Jimmy are you going on the trip or not?" "I love you Jimmy" "I love you too" I watched him board the plane and take off.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Forever and Ever;;9
As we pulled up I notiched the sign, King's Island. I lived in Ohio when I was younger, and had been here before.
He held my hand most of the time, which I thoguht was really cute. We rode most of the bigger coasters. Which was alot of fun, I had never been afraid of heights so I loved them. It was really hot out, so we decided to leave early to go to the water park.
When we got there they had all the white lounge chairs so I sat down in one of them. Jimmy put his stuff by me and took of his shirt. He has a nice body, for a goalie that is. ;] I took of my shirt first, then my shorts. Jimmy came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me and putting his hands on my stomach. "You're fit!" he whispered in my ear. I turned around fast and gave him a kiss. Then he picked me up and threw me in. As my head came up from the cold water I saw him standing at the edge of the pool. "Thanks for that." I said, while he jumped in.
We just messed around for awhile, before I noticed it was getting dark. When we got back I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. It had been about five minutes before Jimmy got in too. And once again I didn't really get much of a chance to shower with Jimmy in there with me. I pulled away from him from him kissing me for a second. "Let me wash my hair. Please?" I said while laughing. "Sure." he replied while stepping out. When I was done I got out dried my hair, and put on my clean clothes. Well they weren't actually mine, they were my shorts, and Jimmy's shirt. I hopped in the bed next to him. He looked at me and smiled, "You're amazing you know that?"
"Awe, thanks. You're pretty sweet youself. We both fell asleep soon after that. It has been a long day.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Forever and Ever;;8
"I know need to catch up! I've missed you guys!" I replied. I sat and talked to the guys for a while before we exchanged numbers and I went to talk to my dad. I came up from behind him and jumped on his back. "Hey I'm to old for that!" Some how he knew it was me.
"Hows my old man doing?" I said with a big grin.
"Just fine. You haven't been home in awhile. Must be with Jimmy I guess." All the guys at the table laughed, Draps, Cleary, and Cheil . I got up and said "Whatever." I said with a grin.. I told them I was going to go talk to some more of the guys and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. "Is that boy treating you good?" I looked at him with a serious look on my face "Don't be dumb dad, you know you would know about it." I gave him a hug before I went to find Morgan and Val.
I laughed as I walked over. They were drinking Sprites. They looked bored. "Haha yeah I'm still to young too." I said. Then neither of them said anything. It was awkward. Me being myself broke the silence. "So, Val did you see mine and Morgan's tattoos?" I said excitedly. "He perked up "Yeah I did! Pretty sweet."
"Yeah that what Jimmy said too." Morgan just kind of sat there, not saying a word. Before I could ask her anything I caught Jimmy walking over. I looked at my phone, it was getting late. I slid off of the bar stool and grabbed Jimmy's hand, then headed out to the middle of the dance floor. We danced, like I wanted. But it was getting late. I gave all the guys hugs since I wouldn't see them in a few days, the guys had three days off including no practice.
Jimmy and I drove back to his apartment. I looked at the time on my phone. It was 2:30. It got late fast. Jimmy didn't say much on the ride back. "Jimmy what's wrong"
"Not a thing, I guess I'm just tired, I was wanting to ask you something though."
"Go ahead" "Well since I have three days off I thought we would go down to Ohio? They have this new amusment park, can't remember the name though. Could we leave tomorrow?"
"Yeah tomorrow is fine, sounds like fun." We stopped at my house I got some clothes, bikini and other odds and ends. We went back to his place to get a good nights sleep.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Forever and Ever;;7
I woke up in the morning, Jimmy wasn't next to me. I got up to see that he was watching TV. "Morning" he said with a big grin. "Sleep well?" "Sure did!" I replied. He asked if i had any plans for the day. "Not a thing why?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Chelis Chili tonight. Chris is closing the place down for the night and the whole team is going to be there" "Sounds like a plan! But i should get home, i have to clean up the place." Okay, i will pick you up around six. Sound ok?" "Perfect" I gave Jimmy a small kiss and hug before i left.
When i got home I called Morgan. "Hey girl heyyy" she said as she picked up the phone. "Haha I was just wondering if you were going with Val to Chelis Chili tonight?" "Of coarse I am!" "Okay good. We will talk there" I hung up the phone and got in the shower. When i was done I decided that it should be okay for me to take the bandages off my tattoo now. It had turned out great!
I cleaned up the apartment since it needed it badly. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30. I needed to get ready. I dried and curled my hair and put on make-up. Put on a dark green dress that came to my knees with a black bow that tied on the side. And put on a pair of silver flats. By the time i was done the buzzer rang. It was Jimmy. He handed me a dozen roses. "They're beautiful, I love them." I hurried and put them in a vase before we headed out. "He turned to me and said "Wow, you look great!" "Thanks Jimmy you don't look to bad yourself." I knew this was going to be a interesting night.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Forever and Ever;;6
"No its not you, I just think I need to go" " I quickly walked out the locker room door and into the hallway. I was still in tears when Ozzie walked by. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry Ozzie I really just cant talk right now...." I'm sure he couldn't make out what I said. I got into my car and drove home.
As I got into the apartment I noticed I was still wearing Jimmy's practice jersey. I took it off. It was kind of hard for me to think of him right then. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I was Morgan, she knew I was upset. "I have something that will cheer you up." She said sounding excited. "I will be there in 10 minutes to get you!" I quickly hung up the phone and changed. I looked like crap. My eyes were puffy from crying and I had make-up all over my face. I didn't have time to wash it off. Morgan was already there.
She still had not told me where we were going. We were in downtown Detroit. We stopped in front of a tattoo shop. "What are we doing here Morgan?" "You'll see." She walked up to the counter. "Uhhh yes I had called earlier? The name is Morgan Pollard" "I have you right here come on back."
I still had no idea what was going on. He told me to lay on my back on the table. It was cold so it sent chills down my back. "Morgan, what are we doing?" "We getting matching tattoos, now shut up!" I must have been pretty tired cause I fell asleep, I could sleep through anything. I got up to look in the mirror. I lifted up my shirt to see a tattoo on my hip bone. It was a Detroit Red Wings symbol that said BFF above it. It was amazing. Morgan came up behind me showing me hers, it was the same thing. "You like it?" She asked. "Oh my gosh, I love it!" "Thought you would." We were all bandaged up as we walked out the door. "Thanks Morgan, you always know the right things to do. She smiled as we got in to the car and drove away.
It had been four days since I last talked to Jimmy. I got a text from him. It said "We need to talk, can you come over?" "I replied "Yeah I guess, be there in a few." I got a duffel bag and put all of Jimmy's clothes in it. I thought he might want them back if I knew how the conversation was going to go.
I walked up to Jimmy's door. He answered. Before I could say anything he picked me up off my feet while kissing me and whispered in my ear "You don't know how much I missed you." I pulled myself off of him. "Jimmy it's not okay to act like nothing happened cause something did happen, you had me bawling. I don't appreciate you acting like a total asshole for no reason. I did nothing to you and you pushed me away. Thats really shitty."
"I know but, you have to understand that I get upset when I let it six goals! I need to prove to Babcock that I can be a full time goalie next year. I cant do that by letting in six goals! You understand right?"
"Sure but still you don't have to push me away when I'm trying to be there for you."
"I know and I am really sorry, it wont ever happen again... I promise."
How could I not forgive him? "Okay Mr. Howard" I said while kicking the duffel bag behind me. "Whatca got in the bag?"
"Not a thing" I replied while kissing him roughly as we fell on the couch. I told Jimmy that I thought it was to soon. He agreed, sat up. He saw how I had bandages on my hip bone. "What did you do?" he asked sounding concerned. "Oh yeah Morgan and I got matching tattoo's." I said while lifting up my shirt. He didn't even look, he just touched my stomach and leaned into me. "Jimmy just look at the damn tattoo!" I shouted half kidding. "Oh sorry, yeah I like it, Its a great place for it too" He said while winking.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Forever and Ever;;5
We walked back up to his apartment, "I went to go to the bathroom and he followed me while turning on the shower. "Shower?" He asked with a grin on his face. I smiled and said "Why not." That was probably one of the longest showers I had ever taken. When we got out I noticed a bottle of Cologne that said "Armani" "So this is what makes you smell said good huh?" "You like it" "Oh my gosh, yes!" "Well I will just have to where it more often then."
I didn't know how late it had gotten. It was five. Jimmy needed to be there at six. I put on my jeans and Jimmy gave me a shirt. It was one of his jerseys. A practice one though. He turned to me "Madi, do you think it's to soon for me to ask you to be my girlfriend? I will understand. "AW Jimmy, I wasn't soon enough." I had never seen him smile so big. It was adorable. He kissed me and we fell onto his bed. "Not now, Its almost game time" He got off and we were headed to the Joe.
I walked into the locker room hand and hand with Jimmy. He was playing that night. It went silent. "Awwww, look at the new couple" said Cleary. Everyone else awwwwed. "You guys are soo gay!" I practiclly yelled. Pav seemed upset. I would talk to him about it later. I gave Jimmy a good luck kiss and told him he would see me with Morgan in our same seats. Game time. Jimmy came out saw me and Morgan. He winked at me as I blew him a kiss. I could hardly wait to tell Morgan the good news about me and Jimmy. She thought we were a great couple. I always knew there was a reason I loved that girl.
After the game I went in to see Jimmy. We had lost 6-2. I tried to give him a hug and he pushed me away, acting like a total ass, picked up his bag and left. I held in my emotions though, it wasnt a big deal. It was time for me to go talk to Pavel. "Hey!" I said trying to sound excited but he knew I was upset. "Whats wrong Mad's?" he asked. "I don't want you upset that I'm with Jimmy..." "I'm not, I'm happy for you, but you know I have always had a special place in my heart for you, its just hard to see you with someone else." By now I was bawling. Pavel saying that and Jimmy acting like a total jerk. It was just to much.
Forever and Ever;;4
"I see the signs you and Morgan hold up at the games. And, how you both sit behind the home team's goal, and I think its cute"
"Well the signs are true.." I trailed off. We finished out coffee and left. We walked back to the Joe in the cold weather. It was probably 20 degrees. I shouldn't have worn ripped jeans. My legs were freezing. Jimmy saw that I was cold. He picked me up off my feet and began running with me. "Haha how did you know I was cold?" I asked. "Ah, that's a secret..."He sat me back on the ground when we got to my car. I looked up at him staring into his amazing blue eyes. As he fianlly pressed his ice cold lips to mine. "Hey you should come back to my place Jimmy said, I mean just to hang out" "Sure why not" I followed him.
He lived in a apartment kind of like mine, but way nicer. I parked my car next to his and met him at the door. It was a typical mans apartment. "Wow this is actually nice Hot Howie er sorry Jimmy. "He laughed. We watched some TV, talked more, played some playstation games until about one in the morning. I found out we had alot in common. "I should get going, its really late." "Nah, ill just take you to practice with me in the morning." How could I say no? Especially to those eyes. He gave me a pair of pants that were huge on me and a t-shirt that said Howard on the back. They smelled like him, so I really didn't care about the size. "Hey, it looks good on you." I giggled. We sat back on the couch. I was laying on him curled up next to him. I quick got out my camera and took a picture of us. I wished that moment would have lasted forever. We both fell asleep... me in his arms. And he looked adorable when he was asleep.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Forever and Ever;;3
I threw on a old Red Wings tee and a pair of ripped jeans and headed out the door. I was running late so i told Morgan to be waiting for me. Of coarse she wasn't. She was never ready on time. I went up to the door and knocked there she was still in her pajamas . "Oh sorry" she said. I fell back asleep. "Long night with Val huh?" "Shut it" "What did you guys do?" "Went out to eat, came back here and played video games till 3:00, how about you and Jimmy?" "We played a little hockey, talked, then he dropped me back off at the apartment, I had fun." "Yeah, me too." she said. And with that, we were out the door.
As we got to the Joe, It was freezing. We went into the locker room where I saw Jimmy. I went over and sat on his lap. "Hey you!" I said in his ear. He smiled back and said "Hey hun."
My dad at us and said "I got my eyes on you Howard." He laughed. Clears came over and went "Awwww aren't you two cute!" Pav walked by and stared (he had always has a crush on me.) I was shivering it was so cold. Jimmy asked "You cold?" "How can you tell?" I asked sarcastically. He handed me his sweatshirt it said Howard on the back. It was really sweet. The colors were awesome, black and red. I knew know one else had one like it. "Thanks" I said. "Anytime." Babs called the boys out to the ice and practice began.
Practice didn't last that long. Only about a hour and a half. Morgan came over to tell me that Val was going to give her a ride home. She told me to give her a ride tomorrow before the game. I agreed. After Val dressed they were gone. I went back into the locker room to see Jimmy. I began to take the sweatshirt of but he said "No just keep it for now." I smiled and of coarse agreed. He then asked if I was hungry. "Sure" I said. He packed up his stuff and we were off. We went to a small cafe on the corner.
Forever and Ever;;2
"Hey you" Jimmy said. As i blushed and said "HAAAY". We both laughed. We started to ask each other questions. "You play?" Jimmy asked. "Yeah I do, goalie preferably." He looked surprised "No way." "Yes way!" "You any good?" he asked. "Well, lets just see." I put on my equipment and let him take 10 shots. He got 2 by. My turn. I took ten shots got 3 past. "Ohhh you just got smoked by a girl, wait till I tell the guys about this one" I joked. "Damn, he said while taking off his helmet, your good. Where did you learn from?" "My dad and brother Justin" "They taught you pretty good." I smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."
We took off our equipment and Jimmy asked if I wanted a ride home. Since I came with Morgan and she was no where to be found I agreed. On the way to my apartment Jimmy seemed quiet and nervous. "Whats up?" I asked. "Oh sorry, its just beautiful girls like you make me nervous. I just smiled and blushed "Aww thanks"
As we arrived at my place he walked me to my door. He gave me a small hug and kiss on the cheek. I was amazed at how good he smelled seeing he just got done playing. "See you tomorrow at practice?" He asked. "Of corse you will! I'm always there!" Great he said as he walked back down the stairs.
Forever and Ever;;1
A hard part in my life came when my dad was traded to Edmonton to Detroit. Nothing really bad came out of it though. My dad just seemed to click with Kris Draper. And soon after I met his daughter, Morgan. We became inseparable. I loved that girl to death. As we both grew older, 19 that is, we had the same love for guys. The rookie Val Filppula & Jimmy Howard. We were always at every home game holing up signs that said "We love Hot Howie & We love Finlander's who where #51. We were probably the loudest there. Morgan and I hung out in the locker room before, after, and in between periods. We played heavy metal music trying to get the boys pumped. And, by then Jimmy and Val both knew we loved them, and so did everyone else.
I was totally shocked when they both came up to us after a game where we had won 3-1 and asked us if we wanted to skate around the rink a few times before they went home. We agreed. And fast.