I sat at the top of the bleachers, but minutes later my phone vibrated in my left pocket. The caller I.D read Morgan.
"Is everything okay?" I asked her
"No I think it's time."
"Oh my god. I will be there as soon as I can."
I ran down the steep stairs of the Joe to the ice where I shouted for Val and Jimmy.
"Morgan's contractions are really close. We need to go." I told them as the rest of the team gathered around.
"They're not the only ones going." Draper told me. "Were going too." He told me as he made a gesture to the rest of the team.
I got into the back eat of Val's car and Jimmy sat in front. Val was taking really deep breaths so I said "Val, Morgan's having this baby not you. Calm down!"
Jimmy snickered. "Yeah Vally calm down." He said mimicking me.
I slapped his shoulder. "Gosh you're mean!" I told him kidding
I ran up to the front door and didn't bother knocking. Morgan was sitting on the couch. I grabbed the bag she had and slung it over my shoulder as Val helped her up. We got to the hospital in no time. Val drove like a maniac.
As Morgan was sitting down in a wheelchair I asked "Ali Elizabeth, right?" Even since I had been friends with Morgan she always told me that's what she wanted to name her daughter is she had one.
She nodded as the nurse took her. I smiled as Jimmy grabbed my hand from behind.
"Cmon, they guys are over there." He said pointing to the waiting room. I looked back at Morgan and then at Jimmy who was raising his eyebrows. I sighed "Okay..."
I sat down next to Jimmy and Draper. Jimmy still had my hand that was getting really sweaty. I pried my hand from Jimmy's grasp and turned to Draps. "What the hell are you doing out here!? Get in there, she's your daughter!" He looked shocked at what I had said. I pointed to the direction of the room and he got up and left. '
It started to get late. I hadn't heard anything about what was going on with Morgan for over three hours. It was almost five.
Another few hours went by and most of the team was still there. If anything there was more people in the room than before. Most of the wives, girlfriend, and a few other people were now there. I turned to Jimmy and smiled before I gave him a kiss.
"Go home. You have a big game tomorrow." I told him
"I will be fine. He whispered.
Finally around 10:30 the nurse came in and told us Ali was in the nursery. We could go see her.I walked with Jimmy down to the nursery with the whole team following. We got alot of weird looks from people. Alot of them just wanted autographs.
I put my hand on the glass window and said "That's her!" I noticed her even before I looked at her tag. She had lots of blond hair. Just like her dad. As soon as everyone got a look a look, most of them went home. Pav,Z, Frazen, Cheli, my dad, Cleary, Ozzie, and Jimmy and I went to see Morgan.
When I walked in a Morgan looked happy, but shocked. I said "Congratulation's!"
"Is everything OK Morg? Why did it take so long?"
"The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck."
"Ohh. She's okay right? We saw her! She has lots of blond hair!" I told her giving Val a hug.
"She's great!" She finally perked up,
Jimmy and I stayed for awhile until I noticed the time. 11:30 read the clock next to Morgan's bed. Jimmy yawned.
"Well, I have to get this little boy home." I joked "See you tomorrow."
The next game was tomorrow. Jimmy was going to be in. And, it was one of the last games before the end of the season.
Of course! I'm a big Zette fan! I like Crosby a lot though, although I kind of think he's a whiner and a baby... haha. I love this chapter, please write more soon!
By the way, I wrote three new chapters on my fan fic if you wanna check them out! Tell me watcha think!
YEAH!! i love it!
Jimmy Howard ♥
Val Filppula ♥
Aaron Downey ♥
Derek Meech ♥
Yeah, i prety much love those guys.
I like Crosby too.
Thanks for the comments. Im gunna be gone for the 4th and stuff but I will try ans write another one soon.
UGH! plz update!
Well you all know how I feel about your team. And NO it`s not because of the cup. I hated the wings way before that.
But I like the chapter. And can`t wait for more.
And Sid is NOT a cry baby.
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