"What do you mean?" he asks.
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" I paused. "Oh my god, I'm not even making any sense!"
Jimmy puts his arm over my shoulder. "Just tell me what's going on?"
"Its exactly what I said. I'm late."
He looks down at the floor and then back up at me.
"Listen. I'm going to wait a week and if I don't get it, then I will go to the doctor. No worries!"
The first two games against the Avs went well. And we beat them in both games. And when we went to Colorado, things didn't change. The first night we were in Colorado I sat in the hotel room flipping through channels. My cell phone starting playing "Uhh me so horny" It was my ring tone for Aaron now.It fit him pretty well. I saw Jimmy give me a weird look from across the room. I laughed and picked up the phone.
"Hey loser." I said.
"Hey slut. Want to get a bite to eat with the guys?"
"Sure. Give me five minutes."
"Ok I will see you down in the lobby. Hey, since when do you not moan when you hear me on the phone. I know my voice is pretty sexy."
I shook my head. "See you in five"
I threw on a light green tank top and black pants.
"Ohh Hot Howie!" I yelled.
"I'm going to get a bite with the guys. You want to come?"
"Nah, go ahead."
I was almost shocked. He had always came along when the guys and I went places. For now I shrugged it off and got in the elevator down to the lobby. When I got there I saw Aaron, Derek, Ozzie, Homer, Johan, Sammy, and Nick.
"Homer!" I jumped his back. "For sure." He said. I laughed. I had always made fun of him for saying 'for sure' too much.
Aaron couldn't have picked a worse place to go. It was filled with Avs fans. After we got our meal and had been talking for awhile. I heard someone yell from across the room "Detroit still sucks!" Aaron had been sitting across from me so he must have knew who said it. He pushed out his chair and stood up. "If you got something to say, let's take it outside!" I buried my face in my hands as we walked out of the restaurant. He was getting in the guys face so I took his arm trying to hold him back, but he shook it free.
I flinched and said "Ohhh" as Aaron punched him and he fell to the concrete. I came around to stand in front of Aaron.
"Don't mess with a hockey player bitch!" He yelled
"Aaron! They're going to call the cops. Lets get out of here."
He agreed and we ran to the cars. I couldn't help but uncontrollably laugh when we got in the car. Aaron was breathing heavily as if he had just ran a mile.
"That felt good."
haha, I LOVE AARON! I love it, can't wait to see what happens next!
can`t wait for more.
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