Thursday, August 28, 2008
Forever and Ever;;47
The next day we got on Red Bird II and headed to Pittsburgh. This was one trip I was not going to miss for anything.
When the night came around and we played the Pens, I got and uneasy feeling after Sidney scored his second of the night. But I could only smile seeing the happiness on his face. And just like that, the Pens were back in it. I hated to admit it, but in that game, they played so much better than us.
They all stormed into the dressing room, without saying a word to each other. I knew Bab's would chew them apart later.
I stood out in the hallway while Bab's voice screamed in the locker room. Sidney walked passed me as I stood there, my back against the wall. "Good game," I told him. He smile and re-adjusted his hat. "You should come and celebrate with us, it'll be alot of fun."
"Yeah, that would go over well." He shrugged his shoulders, "So..."
"I'm not going to be a Pens fan anytime soon." He laughed, "Trust me, I know."
Just then Aaron came out of the locker room, I turned my head, "Shit." Maybe he won't notice me. He was probably to pissed to care that I was talking to Sidney. For some odd reason, he hated him. As he got farther down the hallway, I told Sidney goodbye and made my way through the crowds, back into the locker room
I spent the next day, spending time with the guys, sight seeing, we went and saw Step Brothers, and had dinner at some crazy restaurant.
Things got better the next game, we beat the Pens the next night 2-1. If we won another game, the cup was ours. They guys were extremely excited, but ready to get home. I loved being in Detroit, it was my home way from home, meaning Edmonton. I wanted to take Jimmy there some time during the off season. He said he had been there, but never really visited any sights. Which was the best part. I wasn't a California girl. I didn't always have a tan, and I loved the cold weather. It was my favorite. And I loved being at my favorite place in the whole world.
I was so excited to get home, I didn't even bother to answer any of Sidney's calls. He had wanted to show me Pittsburgh, but right then, I didn't really care. We got in late that night, so when we got home, we crashed.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Forever and Ever;;46
"You really need to come out here, it's not as fun without you."
I rubbed my forehead, "I just... Don't think I should be there right now."
Lebda, who was obviously drunk, took the phone from Aaron, "You better get over here-" and that was it. Aaron soon said "Oh wow, he just passed out. So I better go, but really. Think about coming."
I hung up the phone and thought for a second, If I didn't go, I would regret it. But I wasn't getting all dressed up. The guys had seen me look like a total mess before . This day was no different. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and my favorite lime green tank, with silver flats. I only put on mascara, for makeup.
I passed my mom sitting on the coach. She was watching an old home video, one off my dad teaching me how to skate. I had to have been three years old. I saw a tear fall from my mom's cheek. I smiled, and sat next to her. "The good ol' days" I mumbled. She turned to me and laughed, "I'm not really sure why I'm crying."
"It's because your daughter is all grown up!"
Her smile turned into a frown. "Mom, I'm always going to be your little girl."
She wrapped her arms around me, to where I could feel her stomach hitting mine.
I got up and walked to the door, "I'm going out, I won't be gone long."
"Hun, we need to talk when you get back." She finished. I knew exactly what this 'talk' was going to be about.
Once I pushed past the doors of Whisky's, I saw my favorite guys. They were surrounded by lots of women, "Puck Bunny's" I muttered. Aaron spotted me from the bar and hopped off his stool. He came towards me and gave me a hug, he must have saw me looking around for Jimmy. "He's not here yet." He whispered in my ear. I breathed a sigh of relief. As I walked to the bar with Aaron, I almost tripped on something laying on the floor. I looked down to see Lebda, "You guys didn't even bother to pick him up?" Aaron shook his head, "He's long gone." I laughed and stepped over him.
Aaron ordered me a Miller Lite, and slid it down the table to me. I noticed Kyle throwing punches out of the corner of my eye, I dropped my beer,and hurried over to where he and some other drunk guy were having words.
"Quince!" I screamed as I got closer. I stood in the middle of the two, "Kyle save it." He looked at me, his eyes bloodshot. "Who are you to tell me what to do? You can't even keep your own guy in check." He pointed behind me, and there stood Jimmy. He threw one more punch, missed, and there I was on the floor. My head throbbing. Jimmy sat me up and inspected my eye, which I;m sure was black and blue. He touched the corner of it, and I flinched. "Sorry, I should be more careful."
"No, it's alright," I told him "I'll be fine." Kyle was knelt down next to me, so I slugged his shoulder, "Great job." He was completely drunk, but managed to apologize.
Jimmy helped me over to a nearby booth, even though I really didn't need the help. He grabbed the bag of ice from Aaron and applied it to the left side of my face. I hadn't seen or spoken to Jimmy in about four days, but it was long enough.
"Thanks" I whispered.
"No problem," And kissed the side of my head.
I looked at him with a confused look. "I thought we were taking a break?"
"Aaron's crazy," He said softly. His lips pressed against mine in a passionate kiss, and that's when I knew, everything was going to be okay between us.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Forever and Ever;;45

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Forever and Ever;;44
"Canadian bacon eh' Pops?"
"Of course!" Just then my mom walked into the kitchen, she looked bigger than the last time I saw her, but I'm sure she wasn't. "Phew, sure smells good!" She hadn't noticed me sitting on the bar stool yet, "Hey mom." She jumped, "Hey hunny, What are you doing here?" She talked slow, I knew she had seen the paper. Then there was my dad, who never read the paper. I would have rather talked to my mom about this anyway, not my dad.
I played with the eggs on my plate, I had no appetite. Ella stanched the last piece of bacon off my plate, and shoved it in her mouth. I didn't even care. My dad came around the counter at took the plate from me, "Are you alright?" I came out of my thoughts and took a deep breath, "Yeah, just a little tired." I lied. More like sick of not being able to play hockey, fighting with Jimmy, the Playoffs, going to school in Pittsburgh, Sidney, It was all to much for me. I tried my best to handle it, but I couldn't. A warm tear fell down my cheek, and Ella wiped it away. "I'm sorry for taking your bacon," "No, no El. It's okay." She smiled, and hopped down off the stool. My mom came and put her arm around me, "Go get dressed" I obied and walked into my bedroom. I stared at the walls for a second. All of my hockey gear, photos, collectibles were there. It made me feel so guilty, so hurt. I should have been home more, with my family. What kind of sister was I, I hadn't talked to my own brother in six months. So many emotions were coming over me, and I had no idea why. I wanted so much to be with Jimmy at that exact moment, but I knew it wasn't possible.
My phone vibrated on the charger. I wanted it to be Jimmy, but I knew it wouldn't be.
"Hey Aaron."
"Can you come over, we need to talk."
"It's important."
I sighed "Give me ten minutes"
I knew this talk wasn't going to be a good one. He had talked to Jimmy. Before I drove into the driveway, I stopped at the house. I noticed the Jimmy's car wasn't in the driveway. It was a good thing, because otherwise, I might have wanted to go and talk. Which didn't seem like the right thing to do right now. I made my way up the sidewalk and Aaron opened the door. And once I saw the look on his face, I knew something was wrong.
I smiled slightly when he greeted me, and sat on their black leather couch, and Aaron sat next to me. I waited for him to say something, and he didn't. He just sat there and looked at his feet.
"Aaron, you need to tell me."
"Well... I hope you weren't expecting him to be happy. Because he definitely not."
I rubbed my eyes, "I know, and I really wish i could say or so something to make it better, and I can't."
"I think, you guys just need some time apart, figure things out."
Maybe Aaron was right. Maybe that is what we needed. We had spent alot of time together. But then again, it hurt me so much.
I put my hand in my face, and cried. Aaron put his arm around me, "Don't cry. he'll come around."
"Aar, the one thing that would get me through this is hockey, I can't even do that.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Forever and Ever;;43
"Were just friends! Do you really think I would do that to you?" I practically screamed.
I expected him to be mad, but I was hoping he would listen to me.
"Sidney is just... a great guy. As a friend, nothing more."
"I really wished I believed you." He walked down the hallway and slammed the bathroom door behind him.
I sighed and threw on a sweatshirt, and limped across the yard to Aaron's. I knew they would give me crap about the papers too, but I had nothing else better to do. Once I walked in the from door, I saw Kyle (Quincey) and Helm there too. Kyle's eyes shot up at me. They must have been talking about me. I sat myself on the leather couch and groaned. The newspaper sat in front of me, and Aaron eyed me from the kitchen. Kyle sat down next to me and tried to make a conversation, "So how have you been?" I was becoming frustrated and bit my lip. "Do you want to know what happened?" Referring to the papers. "Please?" Aaron spoke up fome the other room. "Well, first of all, there's nothing going on." "Looks like something to me," Aaron pointed to the photo. "That's what Jimmy said." I looked down at my feet, I felt terrible. Like I was going to puke.
"Look Madi, I see the way Jimmy looks at you. He loves you more than anything in the world," My eyes widened, Helm was always the quiet guy. It was unlike him to say that. I closed my eyes and tried to gather my thoughts. A tear fell from my cheek, but I wiped it away. "I don't even know what to say. I love Jimmy more than anything-" "We know" They all said at once. "So then you guys know, I love him and I would never try and do that."
"You don't even know how much he talks about you when you're not around"
"Oh really, what does he tell you guys?"
"Can't tell you that." He didn't have to tell me what they talked about. I knew exactly what it was.
"So what exactly were you doing with Sidney?" Aaron asked.
"Having dinner.... as friends."
"Ohh." Aaron large arms wrapped around me, "I'll talk to him. But you have to promise me, nothings going on?"
"I promise."
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Forever and Ever;;42
was on their feet, I stood up an cheered before I made my way I made my way into the locker room.
"Hey Sid!" I said, when I picked up my phone the next morning.
"What are you doing today?"
"Nothing really."
"Want to get something to eat with me later tonight?"
I was silent for a second, Should I? "Uh, sure."
"Seven sound okay?"
I sighed and fell against the couch I hope I'm doing the right thing. I sat down with my laptop, looking for schools. "Oh God," I mumbled. I scrolled down to see that the closest school that had the classes.....We're in Pittsburgh. I took a deep breath and closed the computer, sitting it on the coffee table. Either I was going back to school in the Fall, which meant leaving Jimmy for maybe a year and a half at the most. Or going to Pittsburgh to get my dream job. I knew Jimmy would hate me forever if I went. I had a choice, but it wasn't going to be easy.
"Where are you going?" Jimmy asked me when I pulled a black top over my head.
"Oh, out with friends. I won't be gone long." I hated lieing to him, but I didn't want him to think something was going between Sid and I. Because nothing was. A friend eating dinner with a friend. But he might think it was more that that. I told Sidney I would meet him at the hotel they were staying at.
We did nothing more than have dinner at a nice Italian restaurant called Bravo.
"I have something to give you." Sidney said
"Oh yeah, what would that be?"
Sidney lead my out to his Range Rover, where he dug through the back seat.
"Ah, hear it is." He pulled out none other, than a Penguins jersey. With 'Crosby' on the back. "I guessed a small?"
"I'm not worried about the size Sid." I laughed. and held it out in front of me, "I'm not sure when I'm going to wear this."
"Wear it to the next game!"
"Yeah right! Do you want my friends to kill me?" By then he was standing not far from me. His warm breath was beating down on my neck. His lips brushed against mine, "Sidney, I can't."
"I understand." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed my forehead. I got into my car and sat there for a second. Was I really falling for Sidney Crosby?
Forever and Ever;;41
I gasped when he opened the door. Each wall was filled top to bottom with pictures. I was suprised at how many pictures he had gotten over the past few months. I noticed the Red Wings rug underneath my feet. I stopped at a photo bigger that the rest, It was just of me.
"My favorite" He finished. His lips pressed against mine, "So remember when you said we would celebrate in our own special way?" "Sure do" "I think now would be a perfect time." His hands slid under my shirt and pulled it over my head, letting my wavy hair come down on my bra. His hands wrapped around me searching for the clasp. He picked me up, him mouth never leaving mine, and walked into the bedroom.
The next morning I was woken up by the doorbell. My legs were tangled in Jimmy, so i took me a while to get up. The doorbell rang again, "Im coming!"I yelled. I threw on a pair of boxers and a oversized shirt. I threw my partly wet hair in a ponytail and and walked to the door to find Aaron.
"Oh, sorry. Am I.... intrurupting something?"
I bit my lip, "What do you want Aaron?"
"Practice starts in ten minutes!"
I slammed the door in his face and got to the bedroom as fast as I could. "Jimmy practice in ten minutes!" I got up and rubbed his eyes ,turning the clock to face him. I threw his bag at him and walked to the door again, to see Aaron standing in the same spot. "Is your boy ready yet?" Jimmy walked past me, "I guess so."
The photo's Jimmy had put up in the room had reminded me of something, I had always been intrested in sports phtography. And was really wanting to go back to school and that be my Major. I decided to get more information about it later.
Later that night, before we played the Pens, I decided to go see Sidney. I hobbled into the away locker room and searched for Sidney. I found him talking to Colby Armstrong in the corner. "Sidney!" I screeched. I noticed Colby giving me the up and down and Sindey staring at my foot. "What happend to you?" "Long story." In wrappend my arms around his neck, and his slid his hands into the pockets of my Hollister jeans. I backed away and shook my head, "Sidney, No."
"Can't help it!" I laughed, "Well I better get going, game time soon." "Ill call you?" "Sure!" I made my way out of the dressing room, and back into the home locker room.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Forever and Ever;;40
"How about this?" Morgan asked when she picked up a pillow. I took a closer look, one side of it sad 'Tonight' and the other half said 'Not tonight.'
"Oh I bet Jimmy would love that." I told her no but she threw two in the cart anyways. I had a perfect idea for our bedroom. I found an amazing Red Wings comforter set on Ebay. So I ordered it. Two walls were going to be black and two were going to be red. I planned on putting trophy's and awards Jimmy had won on a side table. Since he had played at the University of Maine, Flint Generals, and the Griffs. Jimmy went out with the guys that day to a Tigers game. Aaron and Meech stuck to there promise and finished painting the bottom part of the house before I left. I decided on a light yellow and orange, like I had thought of before. I was hoping it wouldn't be to bright. I didn't want Jimmy to hate it. I was pretty sure he was done with the room he was working on also. But, he locked to door so I wasn't able to get in.
Morgan stopped at a beige colored couch. "What about this one?"
"Eh." My Canadian accent kicking in. "I guess it's okay."
I hadn't seen anything else that day so it would do.
"What size bed do you guys want?"
"Oh definitely a queen!" I joked
"I bet."
"Morgan! You're terrible!" She smiled as we continued around the store.
We stopped at a black iron queen bed, that had a crazy design on the headboard.
"It's perfect."
Once I walked through the front door, the smell of fresh paint surrounded me.
"Wow, I love the colors." Morgan said.
They were perfect, they went with everything so well. I brought out a framed newspaper, it was after we had won the Stanley Cup in 2002. It had Scotty Bowman and Stevie holding the cup. 'Priceless' spread across the from page for all of Michigan to see. My broken foot hadn't stopped me form doing anything. Even though I was supposed to use my crutches, I hobbled around without them anyway. The guys had even painted the red and white for me, put on Red Wings stickers, signed them, and my cast.
As I finished putting Jimmy's things on a table in the bedroom, I heard the front door squeak. he most likely thought I was sleeping since it had gotten late. Morgan had left hours ago, I told her I could finish the rest on my own.
He was probably mad, seeing the Tigers lost. Nothing new really.
"Hey, how was the game." I asked, standing in the hallway.
"How's the foot?"
"Hurts like hell."
"Sorry babe,"
"Its alright."
"I want to show you something." He took my hand in his and went down to the hallway, into the room he said he was 'decorating'.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Forever and Ever;;39
"First time in my NHL carrier."
"Then we will have to celebrate. I mean, In our own special way." I winked.
His eyebrows shot up. "Ohh really,"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe,"
I made my way over to Derek and Aaron. "Alright guys wheres my hugs?" They smiled at each other, and crossed my arms. "Oh cmon, don't be like that!" I gave them the puppy dog face. Finally after threatening them, they gave in. "I love you guys. You are definitely my best friends."
"We love you too." They said at exactly the same time, my face nuzzled into Aaron's shoulder. I didn't know what I would do without these guys in my life. "When we get home, instead of going to Whiskeys, were having a barbecue at the house." Aaron told me. "Fine by me." "But there's one problem, I need help getting the house ready."
"So you guys want me to help you?"
"Please??" They begged.
I groaned, "I guess... but you guys have to help me paint."
When we got home the next day, I stood in the foyer with Jimmy.
"Do you really trust me with the decorating?" I asked.
"Of course! You just have to let me decorate one room."
"Do what ever you want with the computer room."
"I was thinking about a light yellow and Orange," I added
I walked across the yard, this time avoiding the garden house, to Aaron's house.
"Hey sweet cheeks!" I said when he opened the door, and smacked his butt. It was almost two but it looked like he had just gotten up. I saw Meecher sitting on the couch playing NHL 08 again. I took the controller out of his hand and beat Marty Turco for the winning goal.
"How do you like me now?" I laughed.
He was speechless, "How did you-when did you-"
"I know I'm pretty good."
"Aaron! What do you want me to do?" He was still half asleep sitting next to me.
We walked onto the back porch. They had a pool a little bigger than ours. "Well we need to set up streamers, balloon's, make signs, stuff like that. I noticed that I was standing next to Derek, and we were right by the pool. I gave him a evil look and he didn't really get it, until it was too late. I gave him a little push, but it was just enough. Water flew up in the air, and Aaron jumped in too. Derek surfaced and shook the water out of his face. I was dieing to jump in, put I wasn't sure how it would be on my foot. After about three hours we had everything ready to go, I even made I sign that said 'Future Stanley Cup Champions'.
I went home and took a shower, dried and curled my hair. I put on my favorite American Eagle bikini and a navy blue sun dress. Just as I slid my dress over my head I heard Jimmy's voice. "Hey."
"Hey. You better hurry up and get ready!"
"I know.
As we were walking next door, Jimmy's hand brushed against mine. I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. He stopped dead in his tracks, I looked around "What?"
"I love you babe."
"I love you too."
I spend most off the night playing 'Bull Shit" with Ozzie, Mule, and Homer.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Forever and Ever;;38
But it wouldn't, even after I did get this cast off. I would never play hockey the same. And, it would take forever for me to play as well as I did before. I hated the thought, but tried to focus on other things. I checked my phone to see that the Penguins had beat the Flyers. They were going to the finals. The guys were going to beat Dallas tonight. That was that. I steeped off the plane, and the hot Texas air met my face. I walked into the building, and noticed that Ken and Mickey were on the air. A Dallas fan came up form behind them, "Detroit still sucks." Aaron's face became red, "Not tonight," I told him "We need you."
We continued our way into the locker rooms past fans and reporters. Tons of them wanted interviews, but when I didn't see Ken or Mickey, I went past. Since it was a away game I decided to to the bench to watch the game. I sat next to Jimmy. I smiled up at him and kissed his lips gently. "Howard!" Babs called. "You better be counting those face offs!" I turned my attention back to the game. As the final second ticked away, we wear leading by three goals. I stood on my feet. 10...9...8...7...6 My heart was beating fast and my mind was going crazy. 3..2...1. We were going to the Stanley cup finals! They guys jumped over the boards and onto the ice, celebrating with Ozzie. I gave Babcock a hug. He got us this far. Jimmy grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder, taking me out to the ice. He sat me down in front of Ozzie. "Thanks Ozzie, we couldn't have done this without you." I hugged him tightly. "I'm just glad you were hear to celebrate with us." I looked around for Morgan, but she found me first. "Do you believe this?!" She practically screamed. I felt my phone vibrate, "Hold on a second." I told Morgan.
"Sidney!" I yelled. Covering my other ear from all the noise.
"Well, look who were facing in the finals."
"It's going to be great."
"Come see me sometime. We should talk."
"What going on with you and Howard?"
"Sidney... your a hockey heartthrob. Still no girlfriend?"
"Tell me Sid, how many girls have you laid in the past month?"
He laughed "Just a few."
"You're such a lier. I bet you like those puck bunnies."
"Hell no!"
"Listen, we can talk later. I have to go celebrate. Bye Sid."
"Bye Madi."
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Forever and Ever;;37
But before I could tell Aaron to put me down, I was on the ground. An unbelievable amount of pain shooting threw my foot. I looked down, when Aaron had dropped me, my foot had also gotten wrapped up in the same garden house Aaron had tripped over a day earlier. I tried to get my composure back and stand up, but all I did was fall back down.
Aaron held out his hand, "Are you alright?" I shook my head, "I don't know, I can't put alot of pressure on it." "Is that the same one I tripped over yesterday?" I smiled, knowing it was the same one Aaron tripped over made me not feel as much of a klutz. I laughed, "Yeah, this would be the one." We sat there in the grass for a few minutes just laughing. But, I couldn't just ignore the pain in my foot. I looked down at it one more time to notice it had gotten black and blue. "That looks bad," Aaron told me. "You should get it checked out." "Ill tough it out." "I have had alot of broken bones in my day... I'm serious, It needs checked out." Just as he finished, Jimmy pulled up in the driveway, and walked over to where we were sitting, "What's.... going on?"
I pointed towards my foot, "That's whats going on." "You need to get that checked out."
Before I knew it Aaron was lifting me up off the ground and sat me in the back seat of his car. "Guys, Ill be fine!" They were taking me against my will. I didn't feel like going to sit in a emergency room for hours. They insisted I go though. I swear we sat in the hospital for over two hours. I was actually happy that they had taken me though. I later found out that I had fractured my foot. I would be in crutches at least a month and a half. They put a cast on my foot, that came up below my knee. "How tall are you? The nurse asked. "5'2" I continued to play with my hair. I couldn't believe this had happened. Just then my parents walked in, along with Morgan and Val. I told Jimmy not to call anyone, I was fine. I guess he didn't listen. Val starting talking to Jimmy and Aaron, while Morgan came and sat on the bed next to me. "What happened?"My dad asked, sounding concerned.
"It's just a fracture" I told him. "I don't really feel like explaining what happened right now. I'm tired and want to get out of here." the nurse handed me my crutches and said I was free to go. "Thank God." I said to myself. They guys were flying to Dallas for the last game that night. Either we won it and were going to the Stanley Cup Finals , or we were coming back home to play them again. Nothing was holding me back from going on that trip. Nothing.