Sunday, December 21, 2008

Forever and Ever;;57

I was finally able to meet Jimmy's parents. They seemed like amazing people. And you could tell they loved him alot. Hid Dad, Jim was sweet, not very talkative, but he knew his stuff. Jimmy looked just like him. His mom however, was talkative and very sweet. I was just hoping that I made a good impression. I talked to them for a while, explaining myself to them. It was hard to not notice my last name, so of coarse we talked about that.

As they were bringing the cup out I decided I would talk to Aaron's parents. I knew it hurt them to see me with Jimmy, they had always thought Aaron and I were perfect together. But I assured them we were still great friends. We talked for a while, until I stopped paying attention.

Each time the guys lifted the cup, my heart skipped a beat. After losing last year, this made up for it. The smiles on their faces made me amazingly happy. But I couldn't help but glance over at the Pens. Some of them were sitting against the boards and others had already gone in the locker room. I searched along the boards for Sid's 87 and finally found him. We weren't to far away from each other. I was close enough to tell his head was down and he wasn't talking to anyone. I closed my eyes and sighed, I was going to have to find something to say to him.

I made my way over to him as best as I could, and sat down next to him. He glanced up at me quickly, then back down.

"You played really great Sid.."

He didn't say anything. "You practically beat us there in the end.." I was trying to get him to say something, anything. But he didn't. So I sat there, and I waited.

"You seriously don't know how it feels to lose anything do you?" He finally said. I had never seen that look on his face before. And honestly, it scared me. But I wasn't afraid to say what I felt.

"You know Sid. I've lost alot."

"Yeah right. Something that meant everything to you? Something you worked so hard for? I don't think so.."

"No, but I've watched my dad come so close to winning it so many times. You don't even know, these guys are my family. I cried for days last year when we came so close. Don't act like you know shit about me, you seriously don't."

He looked at me like I was crazy. But he obviously didn't know anything about me. I was pissed.

"Thanks for ruining my night by being an ass. I know your upset, but I was just trying to help."

"I'm-" I stood up and walked away. I had better things to do than argue with him. I made it back to Jimmy's parents just before he lifted the cup. It was his first, so that made it special.

A little later we headed into the locker room. Val and Kronner were holding up a copy of the Detroit Free Press. The front of it read "CHAMPIONS" I quickly read through it, just getting the main topics. I guess back home the Joe was packed. Fans went crazy when they watched us win on the Jumbo Tron. I was definitely ready to get back to Detroit and celebrate. But there was still a little bit of celebrating to do here, and I wasn't going to hold back.


Katie said...

Aw this was a really good chapter.
Sidney was being an ass though. Hahah.
Update soon please:D

mrsjordanstaal11 said...

Good chapter, though it brings back some painful memoris being a Pens fan.

However I can`t wait to see what happens next.