I spent the next couple days hanging out at Aaron's house. Derek had gotten over the flu and managed not to give it to Aaron, but did gave it to Quince.
Aaron paused the TV during Talledega Nights and turned to me with a weird look on his face.
"Come on dude! You're getting to the best part." I yelled at him.
"I'm not stupid Mads, tell me the real reason why you have been getting sick." I turned and looked out the window, blowing him off.
"You're pregnant aren't you?" He asked, louder than he should have.
"Would you shut up," I pinched his arm making him flinch.
He waited for me to say something. "I'm not sure yet, I have a appointment today...." I trailed off. "Actually I should get going." I got up off the couch right when Jimmy walked in.
My eyes got huge, as did Aaron's. I was hoping he hadn't heard our whole conversation. "Hey babe." I said to Jimmy, as I headed for the door.
I mouthed to Aaron behind Jimmy's back, "Don't say anything!" He nodded once, getting that he understood.
"Where are you going, I just got here." Jimmy pouted. I pecked his lips once, "I'll be back soon... And will you please shave that beard off, the playoffs are over, and I hate it on you!" I put an emphasis on the word hate. He ran his fingers over it once and shrugged his shoulders, while taking my place on the couch. I laughed and closed the door behind me.
I'm pretty sure the doctor was surprised to see my back so soon, he probably was beginning to think I was a whore. Which made me laugh, so not true. Jimmy was just one of the very few guys I dated. I was here a while ago, but it seemed like just yesterday, and I still had the same uneasy feeling in my stomach as before, only this time it seemed worse. We went through the same easy process as before and send me home, telling me they would call in two to four days.
I drove back to Aaron's house and noticed as I walked in that the credits of Talledega Night were rolling. Jimmy and Aaron were in the same exact spot they were in when I left.
"You guys suck, I wanted to watch the end of it."
They both rolled there eyes as I took a seat on the floor. Jimmy began playing with my hair as Aaron slipped Tommy Boy into the DVD player. It was my all time favorite movie, it felt weird to spend the day like this. I just wasn't used to it.
I felt like telling Jimmy and Aaron that we should go down to the rink. But should I really push it? Everything was telling me to do it, it had been so long. I wanted to feel that feeling I got when I was on the ice, the wind in my hair, the sound of the ice beneath my skates. I missed it terribly. I debated for over ten minutes. Ignoring Aaron and Jimmy laughing hysterically in the background. I came to a conclusion, we were going to the rink, and now.
"Hey, lets go down to the Joe."
"Babe, do you really think that's a good idea?" Jimmy debated.
"Don't, I need to go. Seriously.."
"You really shouldn't push it, you just got it off and-" Aaron joined in.
"Not you too Aar, I need to skate. Don't try and talk me out of it, I'll go myself if you don't want to come." They looked at each other and shook their heads, but ended up going with me.
Oh boy... Can`t wait to see what happens next.
Someone's keeping a secret! I hope nothing goes wrong!
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