Thursday, January 22, 2009
Forever and Ever;;62
"Take some shots will you?" I yelled at them.
Their expression didn't change when they looked at each other, "Are you sure about this?" Jimmy had to you since they were on the opposite side of the rink. I didn't get a chance to answer his question before I saw Aaron headed toward me. I watched as he shot the puck right over the net. At first, I thought he had missed, but then I figured out he was just going to mess with me. He circled around and came toward me again, this time shooting the puck high and wide.
I took my helmet off and let it fall to the ice next to me. "Are you seriously just going screw with me?!" I yelled at Aaron as we skated toward each other.
"Do you seriously think I'm going to let you get hurt again? Especially when you know whats coming along." He poked my stomach, making me jump.
"Aaron! I'm not for sure yet..." I trailed off.
"Oh, you know you are. When are you going to tell him?" I sighed and skated toward the locker room, I wasn't going to talk about this anymore.
The next few days seemed to drag along. I found myself pacing around for no reason. My lip was raw and all of my nails were gone, thanks to my bad habits.
One afternoon when Jimmy was out, my cell phone rang in the other room, I sprang up to get it, the number was unfamiliar at first, but It finally came to me.
"Hello? Miss Maltby?" A nurse said on the other line.
"Congratulations! You're five weeks pregnant!"
The phone dropped from my ear suddenly, but I was quick to pick it back up.
"Tha- thanks." I hung up the phone.
I tried to swallow, but there was a huge lump in my throat.
I wasn't sure if I was ready for this. I was 23, I didn't think I was ready to be a Mom. And then there was Jimmy, I was sure how he would react or what he would do. I was going to try and make the very best of this.
I paced back and forth in the bedroom for over forty-five minutes, and figured the best way to tell him would be right way.
Just then I heard the front door open and heard Jimmy's keys slide across the counter top. I took a deep breath and wiped some of the tears that had fell from my eyes.
"Hey babe." He said as soon as he saw me.
"Hey..." I took a seat on the couch right new to him, taking the remote from his hand and turning the volume down.
He gave me a weird look, "What are you doing?"
"I was just wondering, how do you feel about kids?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "Kids are great, why? Morgan and Val popping another one out soon?" He laughed, but I couldn't.
"Not exactly, Jimmy, I'm the pregnant one.
I waited, but I couldn't read his expression. And, I chewed on my lip nervously.
"That's great! As long as you're happy, I'm happy." A huge smile spread across his face, and he wrapped me in a hug.
"Of course I'm happy, just surprised I guess."
"Right, so who knows?" He seemed so interested it surprised me.
"Well Morgan obviously, and Aaron, an-"
"Wait a second, you told my best friend before me?" I could tell by the look on his face he was furious.
"No, its not like that he gue-"
His face was beat red, I'd only seen his this mad once before, and that was earlier when we first started dating.
He clenched his hands together and got up quickly, without getting his keys off the counter, and slammed the door behind him. It didn't take me long to figure out where he was going. My jaw dropped as I knew what I had started between them, it made my stomach hurt so I held it tightly. Before I could even think straight I found myself running across the lawn.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Forever and Ever;;61

I drove back to Aaron's house and noticed as I walked in that the credits of Talledega Night were rolling. Jimmy and Aaron were in the same exact spot they were in when I left.
"You guys suck, I wanted to watch the end of it."
They both rolled there eyes as I took a seat on the floor. Jimmy began playing with my hair as Aaron slipped Tommy Boy into the DVD player. It was my all time favorite movie, it felt weird to spend the day like this. I just wasn't used to it.
I felt like telling Jimmy and Aaron that we should go down to the rink. But should I really push it? Everything was telling me to do it, it had been so long. I wanted to feel that feeling I got when I was on the ice, the wind in my hair, the sound of the ice beneath my skates. I missed it terribly. I debated for over ten minutes. Ignoring Aaron and Jimmy laughing hysterically in the background. I came to a conclusion, we were going to the rink, and now.
"Hey, lets go down to the Joe."
"Babe, do you really think that's a good idea?" Jimmy debated.
"Don't, I need to go. Seriously.."
"You really shouldn't push it, you just got it off and-" Aaron joined in.
"Not you too Aar, I need to skate. Don't try and talk me out of it, I'll go myself if you don't want to come." They looked at each other and shook their heads, but ended up going with me.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Forever and Ever;;60
Jimmy's time came with the cup came in July. And we planned on going to see his parents in New York during that time.
In August my dad and I planned to go to Edmonton and visit family before training camp started up in early September, Jimmy was undecided about coming with me.
All the while I was still sick. I had terrible headaches alot of the time, and I was getting sick. I never once thought I was pregnant, I couldn't remember the last time Jimmy and I had even had sex.
I called up Morgan. Advice from my best friend usually helped.
"Hey Morgs, I got a question."
"Before you were pregnant, you had all the fun stuff like head aces, getting sick, all that fun stuff right?"
"Yeah... where are you going with this?"
"Just wondering," I told her casually.
"You couldn't be pregnant, you take birth control and stuff right?"
"USUALLY!" She screamed in my ear, "It can work if you don't use it. We've had the talk before and you weren't. You shouldn't get all worked up again."
"Yeah, I know. We've just been busy lately and..."
"Well, when was the last time you guys had sex?" I didn't preferably like to talk about this to her, but whatever.
And then it hit me. I couldn't believe I hadn't remembered it before. The night we won the cup was the last time.
"Oh... shit."
"Guess you better go to your doctor, Let me know what you find out." She hung up the phone without saying goodbye, so something was annoying her. Most likely myself.
I called my doctor not long after, and made an appointment for three days from now. There was no reason at all for me to be worried. I had been in this situation before, and nothing was wrong. Maybe I could be overreacting.
That thought didn't last long, my stomach turned and I found myself running for the bathroom.
The day finally came along for me to get my cast off. Just in time to, I had to much other stuff on my back. Jimmy offered to come with me, but it wasn't a big deal, and I told him to stay home. He and Aaron were to wrapped up in some stupid comedy that had just came out anyway.
I put the thought of my other doctors appointment out of my mind for now and focused on today. It made my already queasy stomach worse just to think about it. I was so not ready to be a mom.
Once the cast was off the doctor told me to still not rush things. No hockey for another two weeks.
Major blow. I had planned to get started right back up, guess weren't going to work out the way I wanted them too. I was going to be so bad when I was back in net. Ozzie would definitely be better than me now.